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Looking for the perfect diamond?

We're happy to help

Lab Grown Diamonds

We were one of the first in the industry to sell lab grown diamonds and have remained at the forefront of pioneering innovation ever since.

  • Most Sparkle
  • Best Balance
  • Top Quality

A curated assortment of our most innovative diamonds

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Lab grown diamonds are chemically identical to their natural alternatives and can be a more affordable option for those looking for a budget-friendly choice. Lab grown diamonds feature the same properties as naturals and are graded on the same standards of quality and color.

To find a lab grown diamond as one-of-a-kind as you are, begin by browsing our selection of shapes: from round to oval, cushion, marquise, pear, emerald-cut, radiant, asscher, princess, or heart. Next, ensure the lab grown diamonds that you are perusing have grades of cut, color, clarity, and carat that align with your standards. Our cutting-edge technology allows you to easily compare, contrast, and select lab grown diamonds to find the perfect one.